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通过 iflow Psychology 的专业咨询服务改变您的生活




  1. 你容易分心吗?

  2. 你很难集中注意力吗?

  3. 你说话或行动时是否先思考?

  4. 在学习、工作或人际关系中遇到困难?


  1. 您是否发现自己生气或发脾气?

  2. 您是否难以控制自己的愤怒?

  3. 您是否经常感到强烈的烦躁、沮丧或难以控制的焦躁感?

  4. 您的愤怒爆发或攻击性行为是否对您的人际关系、工作或生活的其他方面产生了负面影响?

Counselling for Anxiety

  1. 您是否经常对生活的各个方面(例如工作、人际关系或健康)感到过度担忧或恐惧?

  2. 当面对压力情况或触发因素时,您是否经常出现身体症状,例如焦躁不安、心跳加快、呼吸困难或出汗?

  3. 您是否注意到避免某些情况或地点的模式,因为它们让您感到焦虑或不舒服?

  4. 您的焦虑症状是否干扰您的日常活动,例如工作、学校或社交互动?


  1. Do you find it challenging to understand and interpret social cues or nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, gestures, or tone of voice?

  2. Do you have a strong preference for routines and rituals, feeling uncomfortable or distressed when there are unexpected changes or disruptions?

  3. Are you highly focused or deeply interested in specific topics, often to the exclusion of other activities or subjects?

  4. Do you experience sensory sensitivities or sensitivities to certain sounds, lights, textures, or smells that affect your daily life?

counselling for depression

​Have you:

  1. Been feeling sad, down, or hopeless for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks?

  2. Lost interest or pleasure in activities that you used to enjoy, such as hobbies, socialising, or spending time with loved ones?

  3. Experienced significant changes in appetite, either overeating or having a reduced appetite, resulting in noticeable weight gain or weight loss?

  4. Often feel fatigued, lacking energy, or experience a significant decrease in motivation or productivity?


Have you:

  1. Felt the need to use drugs or alcohol more frequently or in larger quantities to achieve the desired effect?

  2. Experienced difficulties in cutting down or controlling your substance use, even when you have tried to do so?

  3. Noticed a significant amount of time being spent obtaining, using, or recovering from the effects of drugs or alcohol?

  4. Continued to use substances despite experiencing negative consequences in your personal life, relationships, work, or health?


  1. 您目前在家庭中是否面临挑战或困难,您认为需要支持或帮助?

  2. 您是否因家庭生活的责任和要求而感到不知所措或压力重重?

  3. 您是否经历过影响您家庭动态的重大生活事件或转变,例如出生、死亡、离婚或搬迁?

  4. 您是否发现有效沟通、解决冲突或维持健康的家庭关系具有挑战性?


  1. Have you experienced the loss of a loved one or significant loss in your life, and are you struggling with intense emotions related to the loss?

  2. Do you find it challenging to cope with the daily activities and responsibilities since the loss occurred?

  3. Have you noticed a significant change in your sleeping patterns, such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent nightmares, or excessive sleep?

  4. Are you feeling socially isolated or withdrawn, finding it difficult to connect with others or engage in activities that you once enjoyed?


  1. Have you recently experienced a significant life change, such as marriage, divorce, retirement, parenthood, or a career change, that has left you feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about the future?

  2. Are you finding it difficult to adjust to the new roles, responsibilities, or expectations associated with your current life stage or transition?

  3. Do you feel a sense of loss or grief related to the changes happening in your life, including a loss of identity, purpose, or a familiar routine?

  4. Are you experiencing heightened stress, anxiety, or emotional distress as a result of the life transitions you are currently facing?


  1. Have you been feeling persistent sadness, emptiness, or a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that you once enjoyed?

  2. Do you find it challenging to concentrate, make decisions, or perform daily tasks at work or home?

  3. Have you noticed significant changes in your sleep patterns, such as trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing excessive sleepiness?

  4. Are you experiencing increased irritability, anger, or mood swings that are impacting your relationships and daily functioning?

pain management

  1. Are you currently experiencing persistent or chronic pain that lasts for an extended period of time?

  2. Does the pain significantly impact your daily activities, work, or quality of life?

  3. Have you tried various methods or treatments to manage the pain, but have not found adequate relief?

  4. Are you experiencing emotional distress, such as depression, anxiety, or frustration, as a result of the pain you are experiencing?


  1. 您是否经历过反复出现的意外的强烈恐惧或不适,通常伴有心率加快、呼吸短促或胸痛等身体症状?

  2. 这些惊恐发作是否突然发生,没有明显的触发因素,并且随后是否持续担心将来会出现更多惊恐发作?

  3. 您是否因为担心某些情况或地方会引发惊恐发作而回避某些情况或地方,或者因为您以前在类似情况下经历过惊恐发作?

  4. 您是否发现控制或管理焦虑具有挑战性,这些恐慌发作是否严重影响您的日常生活、工作或人际关系?


  1. 作为父母,您目前是否面临着给您的家庭带来巨大压力或压力的挑战?

  2. 您是否经常感到不知所措、沮丧或不确定如何处理某些育儿情况或行为?

  3. 您在与您的孩子进行有效沟通或联系时是否遇到困难?

  4. 您是否注意到与养育相关的问题对您自己的幸福、心理健康或人际关系产生了重大影响?


  1. Have you recently experienced a significant injury, illness, or disability that has affected your physical or mental functioning and daily activities?

  2. Are you finding it challenging to adjust to the changes brought about by your injury, illness, or disability and resume your previous level of functioning?

  3. Do you feel uncertain or unsure about how to cope with the emotional, social, or practical challenges associated with your condition?

  4. Are you experiencing difficulties in setting and achieving meaningful rehabilitation goals, such as improving mobility, managing pain, or adapting to assistive devices?


  1. 您是否与伴侣之间存在持续的冲突或沟通困难,并且似乎难以解决?

  2. 您是否感到与伴侣在情感上脱节或疏远?这是否影响了你们关系的整体质量?

  3. 您和您的伴侣是否正在为信任问题、不忠或亲密关系破裂而苦苦挣扎?

  4. 作为夫妻,您是否发现很难应对重大的生活转变或变化,例如为人父母、职业转变或搬迁?


  1. 您最近是否经历了分居或离婚,并发现很难应对与这种变化相关的情感和实际挑战?

  2. 您是否与前伴侣存在严重的冲突、敌意或未解决的问题,这些问题影响了您继续前进和找到解决办法的能力?

  3. 您是否感到不知所措、迷失或不确定如何应对共同养育或管理分居对孩子的影响?

  4. 分居后,您是否正在努力适应身份、日常生活或支持系统的变化?


  1. 您是否经常感到不知所措、焦虑或紧张?

  2. 您是否发现由于与压力相关的想法或担忧而难以放松或入睡困难?

  3. 您是否注意到可能与压力有关的身体症状,例如头痛、肌肉紧张或消化问题?

  4. 您是否因压力过大而难以集中注意力、做出决定或有效管理时间?


  1. Have you experienced a distressing or traumatic event in your life that continues to impact your daily functioning or overall well-being?

  2. Do you frequently have intrusive thoughts, memories, or nightmares related to the traumatic event?

  3. Are you experiencing heightened anxiety, hypervigilance, or a constant sense of danger as a result of the traumatic experience?

  4. Have you noticed significant changes in your mood, such as feelings of sadness, irritability, or emotional numbness, since the traumatic event occurred?

  1. Have you been feeling overwhelming sadness, hopelessness, or a persistent low mood that lasts for an extended period of time?

  2. Do you frequently experience excessive worry, anxiety, or fear that is interfering with your daily life and activities?

  3. Have you noticed changes in your appetite or significant weight loss/gain, unrelated to intentional dieting or exercise?

  4. Are you experiencing difficulty sleeping, such as trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or having restless sleep most nights?


  1. Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or unable to relax due to work-related pressures or demands?

  2. Do you frequently experience physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or difficulty sleeping that you believe are related to work-related stress?

  3. Are you finding it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance, often feeling that work demands interfere with your personal life?

  4. Are you noticing changes in your mood, such as irritability, frustration, or a decreased sense of accomplishment, as a result of work-related stress?


  1. Are you currently experiencing emotional distress or discomfort that is affecting your daily life or overall well-being?

  2. Have you noticed changes in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are different from your usual patterns and causing you concern?

  3. Are you finding it difficult to cope with certain situations or challenges, and feel like you would benefit from additional support?

  4. Have others expressed concerns about your well-being or noticed changes in your behavior or mood that raise psychological distress?











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赋予人们管理心理健康和福祉的能力。在 ifflow Psychology,我们在安全保密的环境中提供专业的心理健康评估、咨询和治疗服务。



版权所有 2020 iflow 心理学



诺顿街 48 号

莱卡特新南威尔士州 2040,

澳大利亚 新南威尔士州 悉尼

电话:02 6061 1144

Mon to Fri: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm

Sat: 9 am to 3 pm

(Clinic appointments are available outside of these hours.)

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