What is the meaning of life? That's a question that has been asked since the beginning of time. It's something that philosophers have been trying to answer, and it's something that each of us has had to answer for ourselves.
The problem is that no one knows the meaning of life. Even if we did know what it was, would it matter? Things change. People come into our lives, and people leave our lives. Things happen to us and things don't happen at all. Sometimes, we don't know what we're doing anyway, so why worry? Well, the fact you are reading this article means you are either curious or worried, so let's continue.

What is the Meaning of Life?
To find the meaning of life, you must first answer this question: What do you want to get out of life? Do you want to be rich and famous? Why? Perhaps you’re looking for more meaning than just being rich and famous. What does 'being rich' even mean?
The meaning of life is different for everyone; it’s not universal at all. Some people may focus on their career or family, while others might focus on helping those less fortunate. There are many ways that people find purpose in their lives (and we have covered some of those ways here).
Regardless of your reason for living, remember that it is possible for anyone, no matter how old or young you are, to find happiness within yourself by living a meaningful existence.
The meaning of life is the same for everyone. It is learning to live a meaningful life. You can identify a meaningful life as fulfilling and/or satisfying, regardless of others' opinions or expectations.
The meaning of your own existence is something only you can define for yourself; no one else can tell you what your purpose in life should be or how to live it out. There's no list of rules or guidelines for finding the meaning behind life's mysteries.
It is up to each person to discover their own purpose in being alive by asking themselves some basic questions:
What do I want out of this experience?
How do I feel when I'm doing what makes me happy?
What would make me feel fulfilled if my days were numbered?
What does this mean for us as individuals trying to find our way through our lives? We must first acknowledge that there's no right answer. Then continue on with the process anyway! We must find our personal life metrics.
What are Life Metrics?
Life metrics are measures or indicators of various aspects of a person's life. These can include physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial aspects and overall well-being. Some examples of life metrics that people might track or pay attention to include:
Physical health metrics, such as weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
Mental health metrics, such as stress levels, mood, and levels of anxiety or depression
Emotional well-being metrics, such as levels of happiness, contentment, and satisfaction with life
Social metrics, such as the quality and quantity of social connections and relationships
Financial metrics, such as income, savings, and debt levels
Overall well-being metrics include levels of purpose or meaning in life, fulfilment, and general satisfaction with life.
Tracking these metrics can help people identify areas of their lives that may be in need of improvement and help them set and work towards goals related to improving their overall well-being.
There is a saying, 'What gets measured, gets done',to so it is a good idea to establish measurable goals for each life metric so you can assess your success in achieving them.
While having a range of life metrics is a good idea, some life metrics will be more important for you. The more important life metrics for you will align with your personal values.
What are Personal Values?
Personal values are the beliefs, principles, and attitudes that are important to an individual. They shape an individual's behaviour and decision-making and help guide their interactions with others.
Personal values may include honesty, integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, and fairness. These values may be shaped by an individual's family, culture, religion, education, and life experiences.
Personal values can also change and evolve over time as an individual's circumstances and priorities change. They are an important part of personal identity and can influence an individual's relationships, career, and overall well-being.
How Do You Know Your Personal Values?
Your personal values are the things that are most important to you, and that guide your actions and decisions. You use the principles and standards to evaluate yourself and others.
You can discover your values by considering what is most meaningful and important to you. Some questions you can ask yourself to help identify your values include:
What do you believe in strongly?
What are your priorities in life?
What do you stand for?
What do you want to achieve in life?
What is important to you in your relationships with others?
What do you consider to be your core characteristics or qualities?
You can also think about what you enjoy and what makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied.
Your values may change over time as you grow and learn, which is normal. It is important to regularly reflect on your values and make sure that they align with your actions and decisions.
What if You Do Not Live Life in Line with Your Values?
If you do not live life in line with your values, you may feel a sense of inner conflict or dissatisfaction. This is because your actions and behaviours do not align with what is important to you. This can lead to feelings of frustration or disappointment in yourself. It can also lead to a sense of disconnection or disconnection from your sense of purpose or meaning in life.
However, it is important to note that everyone makes mistakes, and it is normal to stray from your values sometimes. The key is to recognise when this happens and get back on track. This may involve making changes to your habits, behaviours, or the way you approach different situations in your life. It may also involve taking the time to reflect on your values and what is truly important to you and making a conscious effort to align your actions with those values.
How Can a Psychologist Help You Live Life in Line with Your Values?
A psychologist can help you identify and clarify your values and then work with you to develop strategies for living in accordance with those values. This may involve exploring how your values fit with your goals and aspirations and identifying any obstacles or challenges that may be standing in the way of living in accordance with your values.
A psychologist may also help you develop coping skills and strategies for managing any difficult emotions or challenges as you work to align your actions with your values.
Additionally, the psychologist may help you identify any patterns of thought or behaviour that may be contributing to a sense of disconnection from your values and work with you to develop more effective ways of thinking and behaving.
Working with a psychologist can help you live a more fulfilling and meaningful life by bringing greater clarity, direction, and purpose to your actions and decisions.
The meaning of life is a question that has been asked for thousands of years. Whether we realise it or not, it's also a question we're all trying to answer. As humans, we are constantly looking for purpose and meaning in our lives. We want to know why things happen the way they do and where they will lead us next.
We know that each individual will live a more fulfilling life if they identify their personal values and live a life aligned with them. Living your life aligned with your values helps you experience a more satisfying and meaningful life.
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The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Prior to making any decisions, we recommend consulting your treating doctor, health professionals, and legal representatives. This is particularly important if you have health concerns, existing mental health or medical conditions, or if you feel you are not coping.
(c) 2023 Dean Harrison